
Horse worming tips for effective equine worm control

Posted by Wormers-direct on 8th Jan 2020

Horse worming tips for effective equine worm control


Never feed a horse direct from the stable floor where the environment may be contaminated.

Always read the packaging and follow the instructions.

Horses that are too thin or prone to colic should be examined by a veterinary surgeon prior to treatment. Eqvalan Duo should NOT be used during the first 3 months of gestation. Equest Pramox must NOT be used on foals less than 26 weeks of age. Equest must NOT be used on foals less than 16 weeks of age.

Pyrantel Embonate based Wormers should not be used on debilitated horses.

When treating for pinworm, remember to treat the environment as well by disinfecting all surfaces in the stable, removing bedding and keeping grooming gear separate from other horses.

When worming, give your horse a treat so that they remember worming in a positive light.

Never underdose as this could lead to resistance.

Do not over stock pasture as this can force animals to graze where the worm count is high.

If given enough room to graze, horses will develop their own grazing and toilet areas know as lawns and troughs.

Rest your pastures if possible for around six months, as frost and sun may help to reduce parasite burden.

Keep your stable and feeding environment clean and hygienic by using a strong disinfectant.

Worm all newcomers to your yard and stable them for 24/48 hours before allowing them on the pastures.

If horses are moved to clean pastures, worm them 48 hours before the move to prevent the spread of infection.

Try to graze young horses away from older horses as the younger horses carry the biggest worm burden and as such are responsible for the majority of pasture contamination.

Try to pick droppings up as often as possible; twice weekly is ideal, but once a week is also acceptable.

Grazing sheep alongside your horses can help to reduce infection levels as the sheep can ingest many horse parasites that will not survive within the sheep.

Keep accurate records of your worming procedures in an animal medicines book.

If you suspect a resistance to any specific active ingredients in wormers, do not rely on the use of such products and tailor your worming plan accordingly.

Consider the use of faecal egg counts to help with deciding when, if and what to treat with.

Know the weight of your horse to ensure it gets the correct dose.

You will find specific instructions for usage with a list of contra-indications and warnings inside, or on the packaging of licensed worming products for cats, dogs and equines. In addition, topical applications for flea and tick control are also displayed. If you have not used such products previously, you must read these details and we recommend that even if you are familiar with them, you should reacquaint yourselves periodically on the advice given.