
Nourishing Your Horse With Vitamins & Minerals

Posted by wormers-direct on 18th Jul 2024

Nourishing Your Horse With Vitamins & Minerals

All horse owners worry about keeping them healthy and at the top of their game, and ensuring they receive all the vitamins and minerals for overall health and performance is essential. Proper nutrition helps with muscle development, energy levels, immune function and overall coat quality. Understanding which essential nutrients your horse needs is key, so we have created this guide to help you.

Balanced Diet

A horse’s diet should be balanced, varied and include a mixture of cereals, roughage and supplements as required. Forage should consist of high-quality hay or grass and should make up the main bulk of your horse’s diet. Grains and cereals should be fed once or twice a day depending on workload and the weight of your horse. The main aim of these feeds is to provide additional energy and nutrients. Then there are supplements, which you can get for pretty much any issue these days. From gut health to breeding & youngstock supplements, to calming supplements, the list is endless.

Essential Vitamins For Horses

1. Vitamin A: this is needed for vision, immune function and reproductive health. Vitamin A naturally occurs in fresh pasture and high quality hay.

2. Vitamin D: supports bone health by regulating the levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body. Found in fortified feeds and sunlight.

3. Vitamin E: this is an antioxidant which is important for muscle & nerve function, again found in fresh forage but you may need extra supplementation.

Equivite Vitamin E & Selenium

4. Vitamin K: naturally occurring in green leafy plants, vitamin K is key for bone health and blood clotting.

5. B Vitamins: these are essential for overall health and a strong metabolism. Biotin, Thiamine and Riboflavin are found in good-quality hay, but may require extra supplementation at times.

Equimins B Plus

Essential Minerals For Horses

1. Calcium and phosphorus

Both of these minerals are important for the development and strengthening of bones. It is key to get the ratio of calcium:phosphorus correct too, so be careful of this if your horse needs extra supplementation. Balanced feeds and high quality forage usually have the exact ratios needed.

2. Magnesium

This supports both nerve and muscle function, and is usually found in mineral supplements.

Omega Equine Magnesium

3. Potassium

This is important for both balancing electrolytes and supporting muscle function. Potassium is commonly found in forage and feeds.

4. Sodium and chloride

Again, another important mineral for electrolyte balance, sodium and chloride are usually combined and are required to be fed in addition to the horse’s diet in the form of a salt lick or loose salt in the diet.

5. Iron

Essential for binding with haemoglobin in the blood, to transport oxygen throughout the body. Iron is naturally occuring in forage and cereals.

Gold Label Liquid Iron

6. Zinc and copper

Zinc and copper are key for skin, coat and hoof health and are found in trace mineral supplements.

Choosing The Right Supplement For Your Horse

At Wormers-Direct, we stock a wide range of high-quality supplements to meet your horse’s nutritional needs. When it comes to supplementing your horse, here are a few tips to help you:

  • Assess their individual needs - every horse is different, and just because another horse on the yard is being fed a supplement it doesn’t mean your horse needs it. Factors like age, workload and their overall health affect the nutritional requirements of your horse.
  • Ask a professional - if you think your horse is lacking in vitamins or minerals, have a chat with your vet about any symptoms being shown. A simple blood test may be needed before the vet can give you guidance.
  • Monitor and adjust - as the seasons change, the nutritional requirements of your horse change too, particularly when forage alters. Be prepared to adjust any supplements you feed your horse throughout the year.
  • Quality over quantity - try to feed your horse as few supplements as possible, making sure they are high quality.

A few common signs that your horse is deficient in minerals and may need supplementation include: poor coat condition, weak hooves, low energy levels and weight loss. Regular consultations with professionals and keeping an eye on your horse’s condition will help maintain their optimal health and wellbeing. Feel free to browse our range of vitamin and mineral supplements to keep your horse in top condition.